Friday 1 July 2011

Day 0 - Why I am here.

Yes I know I should start with "Day 1" but it has been a busy day. I will perhaps edit if I end up finding myself actually writing later this evening.

So, for anyone reading, here's the scoop. I write. I want to publish. However I am terrible at making the time and can sometimes go months without a single word being added to one story or another. So, this is my way of being accountable. Really this blog is more for me then for anyone who may stumble across it and read. As the description says, when I get some writing done, I will blog about it, perhaps talk about my frustrations or thoughts that occurred as I worked. I may even post excerpts of my latest additions (or perhaps I will add links to writing uploaded on my DA page). I may not work on the same story every day but hopefully I'll get some done daily. But even if I don't end up writing i will make effort to write a little something here if only to explain (again for my own accountability) what happened even if it's just excuses of "I didn't feel like it." :D

So here's what I already know:
1) Writing is hard! Yes it is. It is perhaps an easy thing to suggest "Just write even a sentence daily" or "just spend 15min writing every day." Sometimes it just isn't that easy but I am going to try that every day. Hopefully I'll  manage more than a single word per day. :D

2) Reading will invariably fill me with either a) a desire to get back to work on my own story to share with the world or b) despair. Sometimes a writer is sooo amazing or original that all I can think is "My stuff is drivel compared to this. Why don't' I just give up?" I will perhaps talk about that some here too.

3) I want to publish. I want to do well. I want to share my tales with people. I may not be Tolkien or Rowling and I'm not looking to be. I do have stories and ideas though and I would love for people to read what I have written and find some enjoyment or inspiration in it even if it does end up mediocre drivel. I hope it won't be though. I don't look to be among the best, but I don't want to be among those others may consider to be hacks either. :)

4) I do have ideas. Lots of ideas. Ideas I would love to turn into stories and share with the world. I don't know how original they are or how amazing but I do want to tell these stories no matter how good or terrible they are.

5) There are people who have told me that they would buy my work should I ever publish. this does fill me with hope. Perhaps in the end I will self-publish despite the still existing stigma but we shall see.

So...that's at least 5 things that I know already. Perhaps by the end of this (if there ends up being an end) I will have added some more.

Now let me be clear right now. I am not looking to complete anything by the end of the 365 days though that would be stellar. At the moment I am just looking for a way to encourage me to get writing and keep it up. :) I am not looking for praise or atta-girls either. I'm just looking to have a place to account for myself and to share my experience with others who may also be looking to write and eventually publish. Perhaps here they will find inspiration of their own. :) Perhaps I will only end up accounting for myself in the end. We shall see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I made a blog on wordpress with a similar purpose to this one. I didn't keep it up though. -.-

