Saturday 9 July 2011

Day 6...coming a little late

I have been busy and have not been on so this is something of a back post as I didn't have time again today to do much writing. I am already getting behind. How annoying. Oh well...this is why I am going by post count rather than by day...that way even if I have to skip days I will still get my full 365 days in.

opening count: 3,606 

I wish I had the talent of some authors and I wish I wasn't so critical of my writing. I actually read something that I wrote way back in probably grade 6. It was a myth/legend that we had to write. "Why the Dove is White". Wow, but I cringed at my writing, and yet it wasn't terrible. The vocabulary I had at that time even surprised me. I never realized how much I had in my vocabulary even then. At the same time though the story is very much a draw on my own experiences and really reminds me of what school was like for me at that age. Bleh. I would not take that story as is and try to have it published as a children's book but at the same time I can concede that people who tell me I could write even then were -- perhaps -- right after all. At least i know I have progressed compared to how I wrote then. I think my characters have more substance and are more rounded than they used to be. I strive to approach my characters as if they were people who I am getting to know rather than some part of me within that I am putting to paper. Perhaps they still have a little piece of me in them but if that is true I try to think of that little piece as being like the DNA (or mtDNA) that a child shares with it's mother rather than as being a representation of some emotion or personality quirk I possess. Perhaps since authors write what they know my characters can only be a deeper part of me but I hope they are more than that. :D
I wonder if I could have seen how good my writing from back in grade 6 (as my mother tells me it is) if it had not been my own. But even looking back at old pieces I find myself really quite critical. In fact I think the older a piece of writing is the more critical I am of it. *sigh* Oh well. I have been told this is natural for writers (and artists) but I wonder if I am worse than most. XD Oh well...what can one do, eh?

closing count: 4,390

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