Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day 4 - more thoughts of fairy tales

opening wrdcnt: 1,904

Thinking along the same lines as in my last post, I keep wondering if it would be possible to combine fairy tales and the story world I have created. The realm I have created could probably be classified as high fantasy so I keep thinking I could do some interesting rewrites of fairy tales within the world and perhaps even disguise them which is really one of the main goals I have if I am going to tell my own version of fairy tales. i'm sure that seems strange but I think more than anything I want to play with themes and morals that can be seen in fairy tales while at the same time moving away from some of the other main themes in fairy tales that are more old fashioned or medieval. Perhaps I just want to see if it would be possible to disguise fairy tales and tell a story and see if people still recognize what the fairy tale plot is underneath the expansion and extra detail. I'm playing with fairy tails in a few different ways, one with disguising them within the fantasy and magic of my own story world, another with a thought to creating modern fairy tales which seem rather popular right now (not that I look to write what is popular...in fact I strive to do just the opposite and look for what people are not doing) and then expanding on fairy tales within the fairy tale world but with greater detail and a look to discard some of the more negative aspects of fairy tales at the same time. i just think it's something interesting to play with.

closing wrdcnt: 2,762

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