Monday 11 July 2011

Day 7...getting behind

Yes I am...getting behind that is. I really wanted to try and write every day. maybe I should set 11pm to be my writing time. I don't have to do it for an hour or even half an hour but just add a little bit to one story or another...preferably my main project but as to that...lately I have been struggling with that stupid thing. It is not so much that I am not sure where to go next, it is more the how of tying the important parts together cohesively. I suppose I could jump ahead to the important scenes and fill in the rest later but I dont' like to do that...I worry that i might miss a bridge and be left with this gaping plot hole that makes no sense. Oops...but there again is that mantra of mine "I always have revisions".  True enough but it doesn't mean I'll have any better idea then than I do now. *le sigh*

opening count: 4,390

So instead of working on my main project I'm toying with a side project related but along a different line. Fairy tales are still prevalent in my mind. this kind of feels a bit of  a Legends of Caranor take on a fairy tale though I wont' say which one. The point is not so much to rewrite a fairy tale as to draw from a main theme and see where it takes me. and if anyone frowns on this well...fairy tales are public domain and writers will all say there are no original ideas left anyway. My intent is to give it my own spin and if the origin is not apparent so much the better. :D Not sure if there are any people out there who would frown upon it though. It is relating to an idea I had with in the story world anyway so it's just giving me a different way to approach an idea I already had anyway. :D that is my reasoning...excuse...uh...justification maybe(?) anyway. I don't know if I will ever go anywhere with it in which I actually take it to the next step but it is fun to play with and it;s keeping me writing which is the important thing. I make no apologies. heh. so far it's kind of fun to write and who knows where it might lead. Once I figure out where it falls in the chronology of my main project then I'll really be hopping. but for now its enough just to put words to paper (or words to the screen as the case may be here) and keep my creative juices flowing. Yeah...

closing count: 4,873

((Not that many words :( But I stalled sooner than I thought I would. Oh is what it is.))

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