Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 2

New word count: 1,677

It's always interesting how some scenes kind of write themselves. They aren't always good. sometimes they are just filler that might end up being tossed later but it is interesting how that happens. Sometimes I am lucky and I find 500+ words later that a scene or a chapter has unfolded and I barely had to think about what I was writing. though I do wonder if that is a good thing at times. I wish that writing was like that more often. I wish I coudl get back to a place where I could get much more hammered out like in my long ago fanfic writing days (yes I used to write ff. Not terribly proud of it and most of it is apallingly bad but hey we all have to start somewhere yeah?)

I sometimes wonder if thinking about publishing is part of the reason i strugle in a way I didn't used to. I think I'm worrying more about my audience rather than about what story I want to tell. Of coures I always hit those places where I had no idea what should come next, where I should go, how i should get to the next important scene or event that is in my outline. Outlines are great be they physically written or stowed only in the mind, but really (at least for me) they are just a basic idea of what's going to happen along a time line. They don't always have every single detail...and sometimes I get stuck and I hate it.

I should see about buying that book "Now Write" maybe it would help me. It is full of writing exercises of different types. Maybe it would help me keep writing even when I'm stuck. Sometimes I turn to another story instead but that doesn't' help if I want to actually finish something. due to my tendency to write more than one story at a time myself and a friend who does the same have referred to ourselves as "Writing bigomists" XD Silly I know. Still, I can say now, that if one stops writing until the block is gone or a way around it is found then one might find themselves spending a fair bit of time not writing at all. XD

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