Saturday 23 July 2011

Day 10 - written a couple days late

Yeah, I actually got some writing done a couple days ago but it was late and I turned off my computer before I thought to actually update here as well. Still, I am much behind and while I make no excuses, I will say that I worked Friday and then went almost straight from work to the ferries. I was on the mainland over the weekend and decided not to take my computer with me. I rarely, if ever, spend any time on my computer when visiting my cousins and visiting took up any real time to even put pen to paper. It is not an excuse, nor a real reason I am sure many would tell me and so I put this down more to explain where I was rather than as any kind of reasoning behind not getting any writing done.

I have finally gotten back into my main project which makes me happy. At the same time though I wonder if I should be focusing on something else since I don't actually want to debut with my main project since so much of myself has gone into it. Silly that I should be striving to finish it rather than working on something simpler and of less concern for me...though nothing I write is of less concern for me to be truthful.

I am simply happy to be moving past my block/stall....though the first part is still giving me trouble. I know where I want to get to but it's as if I'm looking at my next goal but cannot find the path that will  lead me to it and am instead hacking through the brush trying to make a path. I hate it when I get to parts like that since it is so frustrating.

Hopefully I will have another post to add either tonight or tomorrow. I really must spend more time in writing than I currently do. bleh and bleh.

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