Wednesday 6 July 2011

Day 5

opening word count: 2,762

 Fairy tales are really taking over my thinking lately. The more I think about them and the more I write here the more I think i'd like to take more time playing around with them and looking through the books of tales i have and seeing what's there that I could do something with. Of course that means reading the tales and outlining and all that fun stuff that takes way more time than I'd like it too. and of course I've gone back to writing my outlines long hand. i feel safer having my notes and ideas and outlines in hard copy format. Feels safer that way. I type faster than I write long hand though so it is easier by far writing the stories themselves on the computer...that and it's 100x easier to skip between scenes if one jumps out and begs to be written., I'm still note sure if skipping ahead while writing is a good idea though. I wonder at times if it makes the final result feel choppy. But I guess that's what revisions are for. (that seems to have become my mantra: if the scene doesn't quite fit what I had in mind...revisions...if the writing seems choppy...revisions, if there is something else that coudl really really do with some extra work...revisions...I wonder at times if I should be worrying more about editing as I go but most of the time I just want to get what's in my head out. If I spent all my time worrying about getting each chapter, each scene exactly write well...I'd never get anything done.

Jumping back to outlines and note keeping (which I keep in various journals stored about my room -- I need a proper office) I have yet to decide in this whole project that I have amazingly managed to keep up for 5 days so far whether or not outlining and character sketches will count toward my quota (though there isn't really a real quota). After all...I am writing words, I may even be furthering the story itself by getting certain things organized I really getting anything useful done. This is something i will have to think on further. I suppose it might be useful to muse on such things a bit more...not sure.

Well that's it for tonight.

closing word count: 3,606

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