Saturday 2 July 2011

Day 1

I wasn't sure if I was going to post today. With filling out some forms online and then dinner to celebrate my birthday I didn't get any writing done during the day. But it's still early(ish) so I'll see if I can get a bit done.

Starting word count: 617

Working, at the moment, on what I'd say is my main story. 617 is only the count for the chapter/part I'm currently working on. The full count is much larger. This story is going to end up far longer than ever I intended. I wonder if other fantasy writers, those who write long series, feel that way when they end up with 5+ books.

Some scenes are stupidly hard to write while at the same time feeling entirely irrelivant. The scene doesn't fit what I imagined when I started it but there is always revisions and I don't doubt there are parts that will be cut out entirely. Given the two characters and their relationship I wanted a longer scene but with much less recapping of what happened in an earlier chapter. Ugh...I will keep it up though. Why is it so  hard to write things the way I envision them in my head? Do the authors I love have this same problem when they are hammering out their stories? Ah well...

i really must keep the lamentation to a minimum here. That is not the point of this blog. Ah well...tomorrow is another day. We'll see how things go. :)

closing word count: 1,187

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