Thursday 28 July 2011

Day 12

I think I'm behind again. Well at least I actually took the time to do some writing even after getting off work at 9pm. When i work late shifts I usually don't feel much like being on my computer let alone writing but then...9pm is not as bad as 10pm which was more common for me in the past.

I think I'm finally getting on in the first part of my main project which is great. i think though I should look into doing a word+grammar check and then print off chapters individually. I keep thinking that if I read my writing as I would a novel i bought I might be able to treat it in as objective a way to allow me to edit and revise in a decent way.

It's harder to focus after work though. Hardly an excuse of course let alone a reason but I got a bit of writing done which is good and I'm moving along in the first part which makes me happy. I wonder how much I will end up axing in the end when it comes to revisions. It will be interesting to see.

opening count: 2,320
closing count: 2,550

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